Cost Control Process


Our aggressive approach to controlling financial, time, and energy costs, plus our Construction Management at Risk process, covers every detail at every stage, including:

Cost Control
We work with architects, designers, engineers, and others as they consider construction methods, materials, and finishes. Our experience ensures time and cost savings to bring the project in on time and within budget.

GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price)
We provide established GMP at the end of the design development phase. Our GMP sets expected costs for the entire scope of the project, broken down by each trade. Throughout construction, we monitor all subcontractors to stay within GMP.

Value Engineering
Our proactive approach to engineering value into design and pre-construction phases yields 5 – 10% in cost reductions. Including CCI’s construction team in design meetings provides valuable cost information and practical suggestions to maintain designers’ expression without limiting creativity. CCI also incorporates value engineering during subcontractor bidding of all phases.

Bid Process
CCI works with architects, designers, engineers, and others to create a bidding strategy for local, regional, and national subcontractors with required expertise and capabilities. Our goal is to work with as many local companies as possible, with final decisions discussed with project partners and owner representatives. CCI creates packages to bid that are well-received by subcontractors to ensure proper bids and value pricing.

Change Order Procedures
Our aggressive change order program includes prompt, fair reviews of any request, done in real-time to avoid delays and disputes. The review includes scope of work, work duplication, impact on other trades, approved markups, overheads, and other details.