Schedule Control Process

We have the tools and the team to keep projects on track, with processes that include:

Scheduling tool

Developing the schedules is one of our first responsibilities and includes input from all team members. We use Microsoft Project scheduling software to monitor construction, evaluate progress, identify LEAD items, identify occupancy schedules and measure actual versus scheduled progress. Our construction Project Managers use the scheduler to access, communicate and coordinate the developments on a weekly basis. If one area falls behind they forecast and look at other ways to make up time and meet required end date.

On-site supervision

The Lead Superintendent coordinates, schedules and monitors all on-site construction activities, implements project plans and ensures the project is completed on time and within budget with quality workmanship.

Working with multiple contractors on a complex project

CCI schedules work to efficiently use subcontractors, minimize conflicts and delays and avoid claims due to subcontractors' stacking and out-of-sequence work.

Zone scheduling

Our zone schedule speeds project progress while maximizing efficiency of all trades.